Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 141 - Little Known Justice League Member

Seriously? What's a Hawkgirl? Apparently she was friends with Aquaman:

: He was happy at the end. I still don't understand why.

Aquaman: It's faith, Hawkgirl. You're not supposed to understand it. You just have it.


  1. Well, that's a bit of a complicated question, really. Depending on what year's comics you are reading, she's the wife/girlfriend/partner of Hawkman. It depends on whether he's the human archaeologist who uses alien technology to fly and fight crime, the alien policeman disguised as a human archaeologist who uses alien technology to fly and fight crime or the re-animated/reincarnated human-alien hybrid who uses alien technology to fly and fight crime and happens to dabble in archaeology on the side. If you've got the first one, she's his wife. If you've got the second one, she's his wife/partner in the sixties, but just his fellow police officer (who wants to be his girlfriend) in the early 90s. If the third, she's the reincarnated version of his wife who wants nothing to do with him.

  2. hahaha! I recognized it right away!!

  3. Hawkgirl has a mysteriously large bulge in her tights area! Hmmm...Hawk...boy?
