Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The 3rd Year

We've finished the final year of the wave, and we've cataloged year three here!

As with last year, Dale only waved once a week. Click on the photos below to link to the original post page (with larger photos, back shots, captions, and occasionally explanations).

Week 1 - Gold Medal Winner

Week 2 - Igor

Week 3 - Eastwooding

Week 4 - SpongeBob

Week 5 - Old Banana

Week 6 - NFL Referee

Week 7 - Gangnam Style!

Week 8 - Despicable We

Week 9 - Daddy Warbucks

Week 10 - Mister Clean

Week 11 - Avengers

Week 12 - Uncle Sam

Week 13 - Jack Skellington

Week 14 - Tom Turkey

Week 15 - Holiday Leftovers

Week 16 - Space Trooper

Week 17 - Mr P

Week 18 - Hawaiian Santa

Week 19 - The Last Samurai

Week 20 - The Last Airbender

Week 21 - Dr Evil

Week 22 - Lacrosse

Week 23 - Orange Barrels

Week 24 - Fred

Week 25 - Lincoln's Birthday

Week 26 - Punk

Week 27 - Alvin

Week 28 - Batman

Week 29 - Fencing

Week 30 - Phantom

Week 31 - Brave

Week 32 - Spring Break is Over

Week 33 - Pharaoh

Week 34 - Braveheart

Week 35 - May the Fourth!

Week 36 - Hair Band

Week 37 - Big Foot Sighting

Week 38 - Terminator

Week 39 - Final Day of High School - Last School Bus Ride


  1. Idk I just cried at the last photo! Stupid me haha! You are awesome! Your family is so lucky to have such a great dad!

  2. Only three years of high school? Or did I miss something? Either way your son is blessed to have you. :) I'm glad to hear he is on his mission and doing well!!! Love hearing about all the new missionaries being called. The Lord's work is being done!

  3. I'm living in Australia and a job recruiter told me about this funny thing he got in an email. This dad who would dress up and wave to his son to embarrass him. When I checked it out, I was like ... channel 5? American Fork? No way?! Utah?! Lol! It nice to see it was from my home State... Utah! Pretty cool! Awesome family! Best of luck on your mission, Elder Price!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Señor Dale, reciban usted y su familia toda mi admiración y respeto.
    Que hermosa lección la que le da usted no solo a sus hijos sino a los hijos del mundo entero, es usted un padre genial, ejemplar y de admirar.
    Nosotros somos la prolongación de la existencia de nuestros padres y como tal les debemos todo el respeto y el amor que ellos merecen.
    Ojalá se replicara esta experiencia, para que los hijos sepan que no hay por que avergonzarse, al contrario debemos estar orgullosos de aquellos hombres y mujeres que con esfuerzo, sacrificio, paciencia y amor nos sacaron adelante para hacer de nosotros los buenos seres humanos que somos actualmente.
    Un abrazo cordial de ANGELICA desde Bogotá - Colombia.
