Thursday, December 10, 2015

Halloween 2015

This year's Halloween post is a little behind (well, I did JUST get it put away last week). But I thought the family costumes were appropriate for the return of Star Wars this Christmas season. And this time I'm not dressed up as Princess Leia!

This year's rushed schedule only allowed me five weeks to decorate, not my usual twelve weeks. So while I was happy with what was done, I was disappointed that I didn't get more set up. The crowds came the week before and after, and fun was had by all. Approximately 3500 people toured our yard haunt, and the smiles and squeals made it worth the effort! Next year I vow to start in July and see how big that gets...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Deck Win

It's been a cool and cloudy day here, but not too cool for these kids to play chess on the deck. 


Monday, September 21, 2015

First Meal Back in the US

He traveled for days. Beginning early on Wednesday the 16th: A tro tro from Praso to Cape Coast. A shuttle van from Cape Coast to Accra. A flight from Accra to London. Another flight from London to Los Angeles. A small plane from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. Mom and Dad's minivan from the airport to a nearby suburb for dinner at 8 pm. We sit down at an all you can eat buffet. A smorgasbord of American food. What does he put on his plate? 

Chicken and hot sauce:
He then proceeded to eat the bones.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Labels and Instructions

We've heard that it can be difficult for missionaries returning from West Africa to acclimate to their new surroundings. Dale is taking his fatherly duties quite seriously, offering much practical advice and guidance to Rain.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

First Day Home

It was a busy first day home. Dale and I weren't even up and about when we heard Rain kicking the ball around. So of course I ran out for pics! Then he joined me for a run and a long list of other activities. It's quite amazing to have him back and begin to see the man he has become.
He calls it football now
Back in the saddle
Learning to drive again
Does the suit still fit? Checking out the clothes he left behind, in preparation for church the next morning.
Well traveled and read scriptures

Friday, September 18, 2015

He's Back! Welcome Home Elder Price!

After two years overseas, Rain has returned to the USA! He served as an LDS Missionary in Liberia for one year, then in Ghana for the second year. Missionary rules are state that he can only email us only once a week (typically on Mondays), and phone calls were allowed only on Christmas and Mother's Day. 

Rain arrived home from West Africa on Friday evening, September 18th. It was joyous and emotional. I asked Dale what three words he would use to describe it. We came up with Joy, Relief, and Euphoria. It's indescribable.
Moms get the first hug
The men welcomed the returning missionaries with the haka

Dad hug

Brother hugs
More cousins - ready for RAIN!

Dale made name tags for each of us "so Rain will remember who we are!"

Dale went the entire two years without a hair cut. He took it out of its usual ponytail to show Rain the growth.
We had a jacket waiting in the car for him. The cool weather here was a shock on his system.

*you may notice we're missing a family member in all of these photos. Rain's older sister, Rikki, recently had a baby and won't be able to visit from Alaska until Christmas time.

The Countdown - 3 Hours To Go!

Flags are out. Banner is up. Elder Makani Rain Price is on US soil! Switching planes at LAX!

Dale decorated:

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Countdown - Two Weeks Left

TWO. Two. two. 2. II

TWO WEEKS from now Elder Price will be HOME!!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Our Summer Creation!

We Built This! I think that every married couple should build a deck together. It's galvanizing.

  • It turned out far better than we hoped.
  • I don't want to see the inside of a Home Depot again for a very long time. 
  • It took much more teamwork than I expected (for some strange reason, I imagined HIM building the deck, not both of us). 
  • I'm so glad we did it together!

#‎HowISpentMySummer‬ ‪#‎NoviceDeckBuilders‬ ‪#‎WeLearnedALot‬ ‪#‎IllNeverLookAtADeckTheSameAgain‬ 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

It's Father's Day! Have a Funny Day!

"What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father."
-Mary Mapes Dodge

Happy Father's Day! We celebrate with a few father stories from our family:

"I remember my dad taking me to a movie in the middle of the day when I was about six years old. We walked into the theater, and it was totally empty. My dad told me that he rented the entire theater just for me. I felt like a princess. I was so excited that I spent most of the movie running around the theater and sitting in every single seat."

"My dad ordered a cake for my sixteenth birthday. The cake he ordered was this little kid's dinosaur cake. I guess he was trying to embarrass me, but by now, there's not much else he can do. My cousins thought it was pretty funny, and so did the lady checking us out at Costco."

"My dad went to my school for my birthday. He read my favorite book to my friends in my class. He was so funny."

"I was raised by a single dad, who was raising three boys on his own. He was always there for us and our countless ballgames. One year, I was playing Little League baseball as a Catcher. There was a play at the plate, and it was really close. The runner slid in and knocked me down, the Umpire called him out. The stands erupted in cheers. And then I noticed that I had dropped the ball. I picked it up quickly and nobody had noticed. I then turned around and told the Ump that I had dropped the ball. The runner was called safe and the fans went silent. That was how the game ended. Afterward, my dad told me he had never been more proud. Thanks, Dad, for instilling in me a love for sports and teaching me to own up to my mistakes. Happy Father's Day."

My own father never waved me off to school in a costume (no regrets there). He did, however, spend many mornings helping me fold newspapers for my early morning paper route, teaching and loving through action and example. My dad had his own favorite goodbye phrase, and it continues as a morning farewell in my own home: "Have a funny day!" Thanks for your sense of humor and "knee-slapper" jokes, Dad. May all our days be funny.

This was a repost from Father's Day, June 2011. For additional Father's Day posts, check out these:
June 2012 - Rikki's Tribute 
June 2013 - Rain's Tribute 
June 2014 - Our Hero